Fierce geo-pattern of Universities excellence Fierce geographic patterns in planetary Map of Universities ranks by scientific excellence

Fierce geo-pattern of Universities excellence Fierce geographic patterns in planetary Map of Universities ranks by scientific excellence Interactive #map ranks universities by scientific excellence. Do you see any geographic patterns? Source: — Simon Kuestenmacher (@simongerman600) 24 agosto 2018 Rossi Ferrari Price Publishing House Euston Road St Pancras London NW1 2QR United Kingdom Tags: […]

residents photo book “A Year in the Life of Faversham” photo challenge book exhibition A Year in the Life of Faversham: 365 photographs by residents, recording their life

residents photo book “A Year in the Life of Faversham” photo challenge book exhibition A Year in the Life of Faversham: 365 photographs by residents, recording their life A Year in the Life of Faversham: the exhibition & the book. A photographic challenge by #Faversham residents, recording life of their town in pictures during one […]

Let’s win the value chain management battle the value chain management battle won’t be won with tech alone.

Let’s win the value chain management battle The value chain management battle won’t be won with tech alone. For all the benefits that technology can deliver, the value chain management battle won’t be won with tech alone. @KPMG_US explains in depth. #paid — Forbes (@Forbes) 26 agosto 2018   Rossi Ferrari Price Publishing […]

International conference ‘Saving Himalayas’ Int'l conference ‘Saving Himalayas’ with lots of spiritual figures, dignitaries, scientific representatives on Science and Spirituality.

International conference ‘Saving Himalayas’ Int’l conference ‘Saving Himalayas’ with lots of spiritual figures, dignitaries, scientific representatives on Science and Spirituality. Int’l conference on ‘Saving the #Himalayas through Science and Spirituality’ was officially inaugurated at the Central Institute of Buddhist Studies (CIBS), Choglamsar in the presence of several eminent spiritual fig-ures, dignitaries from the army and […]

Top 2 new history, culture photobooks publications 2 new publications: Army Snow Clearance Bridgend 1978 — Notting Hill Carnival in the 1990 | history culture photobooks by Café Royal Books

Top 2 new history, culture photobooks publications 2 new publications: Army Snow Clearance Bridgend 1978 — Notting Hill Carnival in the 1990 | history culture photobooks by Café Royal Books Two new publications: Tish Murtha — Army Snow Clearance Bridgend 1978 Peter Marshall — Notting Hill Carnival in the 1990s #photobook #history #english #british #culture […]

Don’t rely on tech companies “ethical conscience” Citizens should not need to rely on the “ethical conscience” of tech companies to know their fundamental rights are protected

Don’t rely on tech companies “ethical conscience” Citizens should not need to rely on the “ethical conscience” of tech companies to know their fundamental rights are protected Citizens should not need to rely on the “ethical conscience” of tech companies to know their fundamental rights are protected, says @sandrawachter5 of @oiioxford. See the debate #OpenFuture […]

Perils in ignoring racial, ethnic minorities in clinical trials Scientific American: ignore racial and ethnic minorities in clinical trials at our own peril

Perils in ignoring racial, ethnic minorities in clinical trials Scientific American: ignore racial and ethnic minorities in clinical trials at our own peril Editorial: We ignore racial and ethnic minorities in clinical trials at our own peril. — Scientific American (@sciam) 25 agosto 2018 Rossi Ferrari Price Publishing House Euston Road St Pancras London […]

Facts to form new brain cells, create new neurons Facts About Deep Learning: If you meditate for 15 minutes a day, your brains form new cells. Through positive thinking, your brain will create new neurons

Facts to form new brain cells, create new neurons Facts About Deep Learning: If you meditate for 15 minutes a day, your brains form new cells. Through positive thinking, your brain will create new neurons.   Facts About Deep Learning #ArtificialIntelligence #deeplearning #ai #deepmind #MachineLearning #searchengine #seo #searchengines #rankbrain #MariaJohnsen #influencer #tech — […]

New 3D-print to create Blood Vessels in the human body! A new 3D-printing method creates structures as tiny as the smallest blood vessels in the human body.

New 3D-print to create Blood Vessels in the human body! A new 3D-printing method creates structures as tiny as the smallest blood vessels in the human body. A new 3D-printing method creates structures as tiny as the smallest blood vessels in the human body. Via @Seeker #Healthcare #HealthTech #HealthIT #Tech #3D #3dprinting #3dprint #medical #health […]

Young perspectives on Scientific Information Consuming Scientific Information? Check Young Kidney Professionals’ Perspectives, Attitudes.

Young perspectives on Scientific Information Consuming Scientific Information? Check Young Kidney Professionals’ Perspectives, Attitudes. Young Kidney Professionals’ Perspectives and Attitudes about Consuming Scientific Information @allisontong1 @DrDeidraCrews @rajmehrotra1122 @deboerih @michelchonchol — CJASN (@CJASN) 24 agosto 2018 Rossi Ferrari Price Publishing House Euston Road St Pancras London NW1 2QR United Kingdom Tags: Libraries, London, science, Rossi […]